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Arkivo:Human Body.jpg

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Arkivo originala (5 121 × 9 791 pixel-i, grandeso dil arkivo: 6,7 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg)

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Deskripto Caucasian Female (left) and Asian male (right) human body seen from front (upper) and back (lower). Adult human bodies photographed whose Naturally-occurring pubic, body, and facial hair has been deliberately removed to show anatomy. These are also used in Template:Human body diagrams.

Mikael Häggström

Altra versioni

Human body

Vidu ankaŭ Human body images in different languages

Ĉi tio estas modifita bildo, kio signifas, ke ĝi ekestis per cifereca aliigo de la origina versio. Modifoj: merged. La originaĵo videblas ĉi tie: Posterior view of human male, retouched.jpg. La modifojn faris Lamilli.


Public domain Io, titolare dei diritti (copyright) su quest'opera, rilascio quest'opera nel pubblico dominio. Questo con effetto in tutto il Mondo.
En kelka landi to povas ne esar posibla legale; se to esas la situaciono:
Riconosco a chiunque e ciascuno il diritto di usare quest'opera per qualsiasi scopo, senza alcuna condizione, a meno che simili condizioni non siano validamente richieste dalla legge.

Derivative works

Derivative works of this file:

Originala protokolo dum sendado dil arkivo

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

Uploaded with derivativeFX

English: Naked female and male human body with labels.
Français : Vue antérieure d'humains de sexes féminin et masculin. Plus d'informations sur l'image originale en anglais: File:Anterior view of human female and male, with labels.jpg.
Deutsch: Anatomie des Menschen - Mann und Frau frontal betrachtet. Die anatomischen Merkmale sind spezifiziert.
Polski: Anatomia człowieka. Mężczyzna i kobieta.
Español: Varón y hembra humanos: rasgos anatómicos externos.
Čeština: Muž a žena - anatomické zobrazení
Türkçe: Erkek ve dişi insanın anatomik özellikleri.
Română: Morfologia externă a corpului uman, femeie și bărbat
Русский: ru:Анатомия человека с обозначениями частей тела.
Slovenščina: Anatomija človeka. Moški in ženska. Frontalni pogled. Anatomske značilnosti so označene.
Ελληνικά: Τα βασικά ανατομικά χαρακτηριστικά ενός αρσενικού και θηλυκού ανθρώπου.
Português: Anatomia do corpo humano com rótulos.
한국어: 우리 몸의 특질을 그린 지도.
Esperanto: Homa korpo per bildoj el kiuj oni forigis la korpan hararon por pli bone vidi organojn.
हिन्दी: मानव शरीर की ऊपरी विशेषतायें
Català: Cos humà femení i masculí amb etiquetes.
العربية: منظور أمامي لجسدي الإنثى و الذكر البشريين مع أسماء الأعضاء
Afrikaans: Vooraansig van man en vrou, met byskrifte.
עברית: גוף האדם העירום של גבר ואישה עם תוויות.
Dato {{{date}}}
Original image
Propra verko. Taken at City Studios in Stockholm, September 29, 2011, with assistance from KYO (The organisation of life models) in Stockholm. Both models have consented to the licence of the image, and its usage in Wikipedia.
Traduko en esperanto de File:Anterior view of human female and male, with labels.jpg.


English: Model name: (preferred not to be stated)

At time of photograph:

  • Age: 40
  • Height: 166 cm
  • Weight: 47 kg
  • BMI: 17.1
Ornaments: Ear piercing, ring on left ring finger (not in retouched images), nail polish on toe nails. There is some tilting of the upper trunk towards the left of the body, which may be positional or anatomical.


English: Model name: Michael Hellman

At time of photograph:

  • Age: 34
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 65 kg
  • BMI: 20.5
Blemishes: Bruise at left part of chin, belt mark.
Autoro Taken at City Studios in Stockholm (, September 29, 2011, with assistance from KYO (The organisation of life models) in Stockholm. Both models have consented to the licence of the image, and its usage in Wikipedia. Images uploaded by Mikael Häggström.
Altra versioni

In different languages

See also: Human body images without labels, Erogenous zones labeled

Erogenous zones labeled

Scaled down

Image of smaller size, for better rendering as thumbnail.


Me, la posedanto dil autoroyuro pri ica imajo/arkivo, permisos lua uzado camaniere:
Creative Commons CC-Zero Ĉi tiu dosiero estas disponebla laŭ la Krea Komunaĵo CC0 1.0 Universala Publikaĵiga Dediĉo.
La persono kiu asociis verkon kun ĉi tiu faro dediĉis la verkon kiel publikaĵon forlasante ĉiujn siajn rajtojn al la verko mondvaste sub aŭtorrajta leĝo inkluzivante ĉiujn rilatajn aŭ najbarajn rajtojn permesitajn de leĝo. Oni povas kopii, modifi, distribui kaj ludi la verkon, eĉ por komercaj kialoj, ĉiuj sen peto de permeso.

Personality rights Although this work is freely licensed or in the public domain, the person(s) shown may have rights that legally restrict certain re-uses unless those depicted consent to such uses. In these cases, a model release or other evidence of consent could protect you from infringement claims. Though not obliged to do so, the uploader may be able to help you to obtain such evidence. See our general disclaimer for more information.
Human Body.jpg, a retouched image of both female and male, with anterior and posterior views.
Horizontal layout

Four original images individually


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aktuala04:41, 25 feb. 2018Imajeto di versiono ye 04:41, 25 feb. 20185 121 × 9 791 (6,7 MB)4nn1l2Reverted to version as of 03:16, 25 February 2018 (UTC)
03:16, 25 feb. 2018Imajeto di versiono ye 03:16, 25 feb. 20185 121 × 9 791 (6,7 MB)Sophiet UnionReverted to version as of 11:57, 24 February 2018 (UTC)
11:57, 24 feb. 2018Imajeto di versiono ye 11:57, 24 feb. 20185 121 × 9 791 (6,7 MB)Peppa Pig the SecondReverted to version as of 08:20, 8 December 2013 (UTC): Accident
08:20, 8 dec. 2013Imajeto di versiono ye 08:20, 8 dec. 20135 121 × 9 791 (6,7 MB)Hic et nuncnails improved
14:47, 5 dec. 2013Imajeto di versiono ye 14:47, 5 dec. 20135 121 × 9 791 (6,55 MB)Hic et nuncnail polish and ear pearcing removed
22:32, 10 dec. 2011Imajeto di versiono ye 22:32, 10 dec. 20115 121 × 9 791 (6,38 MB)Lamilli== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description= |Source=*File:Anterior_view_of_human_female,_retouched.jpg *File:Anterior_view_of_human_male,_retouched.jpg *File:Posterior_view_of_human_female,_retouched.jpg *[[:File:Posterior_view_of

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