Uzantino Debato:Nicole Sharp
Nicole Sharp (diskuto) 21:00, 12 mar. 2021 (UTC)
Why did you link "Colombia" and "Kolombia" to "Kolumbia"?
[redaktar fonto]- Hi, Nicole! "Colombia" and "Kolombia" ARE NOT used in Ido. The name for Colombia in Ido is "Kolumbia". So why did you create this links? Best regards, Joao Xavier (diskuto) 10:52, 22 feb. 2022 (UTC)
- And also "Usastandardo" (this word does not exist) to "Standardo di Usa"? Why? Joao Xavier (diskuto) 10:53, 22 feb. 2022 (UTC)
- I have no objection to deletion if you think these are mistranslations. On English Wikipedia, the native name is included as a redirect, for example
redirects to the "People's Republic of China." Nicole Sharp (diskuto) 07:22, 23 feb. 2022 (UTC) - Me havas nula objecioni ad efaci se vu pensas ici esas mistraduki. An Angliana Wikipedio, la indijena nomo inkluzis kom redirekto, exemple
redirektas al "Popul-Republiko Chinia." Nicole Sharp (diskuto) 07:22, 23 feb. 2022 (UTC)
- I have no objection to deletion if you think these are mistranslations. On English Wikipedia, the native name is included as a redirect, for example