Usana civitaneso

Usana civitaneso esas legala marko qua indikas ke ulu esas civitano di Usa, qua necesigas specigiva yuri, privileji e devi. Civitaneso esas "yuro por havar yuri", nam ol servas kom fondo por fasko di posa yuri, kom la yuro di vivar e laborar en Usa e recevar federala sokursado.[2]
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- ↑ Autoro: Robert Heineman (revizisto dil libro). Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined Its Citizens and Privatized Its Public (book) by Matthew A. Crenson and Benjamin Ginsberg Publikigita da The Independent Institute. Dato di publikigo: julio 2004. URL vidita ye 16ma di decembro 2009.
Segun on povas lektar en la texto: The withholding tax has made the voluntary component of tax collection much less important, and the professional military has limited the need for citizen soldiers.
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